February 17, 2018
“a masterful work that even the veterans of the scene would be envious of”...”Twisting the traditions of Folk and Classical together in a tornado of Symphonic Metal, Chrysilia have crafted the tale Nightwish have been struggling to tell for all of their existence, and yet, this is only their first foray into storytelling. Simply put, this is a masterpiece.”
January 08, 2018
Metal Kaoz
"...the music presented among the ten recordings has a specific character and a clear direction, meaning that CHRYSILIA are not experimenting or trying to find their identity..."There is depth in the song arrangements and a careful listening will reveal all the layers CHRYSILIA have put in every song"..."CHRYSILIA go beyond what is considered norm for this Metal genre and have the confidence to support their pretty unique style. Approach this album without specific expectations and you will definitely enjoy the trip to Arcadia"
January 01, 2018
..."what a voice, had not Tarja been there, you could say that Chryso has set the standard in the field of "female voiced metal"..."The gentlemen and the lady provide a truly captivating piece of music that all fans of aforementioned bands (Avantasia, Ayreon) and/or styles (melodic power metal, symphonic metal and progressive/folk metal) can blindly add to their collection, it's a MUST! This is pure class! 95/100"
November 01, 2017
Metal Hammer
..."with a cinematic composing view, the album is full of strong imagery, a complete and descriptive narrative flow..." ... "a theatrical atmosphere that follows and underlines the fantasy aesthetics that surrounds the album and is one of its integral elements, starting from the artwork" ... "the album cannot be easily classified in any metal subgenre, as its composers diverse influences are made obvious, as well as their intention not to be categorized under one label"...
October 30, 2017
...“Et In Arcadia Ego of newcomers Chrysilia was released a few days ago and left us stunned. Everyone who love Avantasia and Ayreon, as well as everyone who like female voices with a heavy/power core will love this album..."... "Highlights are The Menalon Trail, same-titled Chrysilia, while The Fifth Season is one of those songs that give you the chills”...
October 19, 2017
..."a highly interesting blend where Blackmore’s Night meet symphonic metal with the final product being a real sound feast"..."If I could choose one song that would summarise the magic of the whole album, that would have to be without doubt "By the Gates of Ypsus", where prog and folk unite in a moment of utter music beauty"..."Chrysilia have delivered the ideal debut album, excellently worked out in every single detail, having a production that brings to the listener all their work..."
October 10, 2017
Dutch Metal Maniac
"Concept-wise this is an exceptionally well-thought-out album"..." In all honesty, I could have picked any song in this summary, I really cannot find a mediocre song on this album, which I consider an impressive achievement"..."When you look at this from a strictly metal-oriented point of view you might not be fully satisfied, simply because it’s not a pure metal album. Not even close I’d say, but that doesn’t change the fact I consider this one of the best releases of the year, if not the best"..."Highly recommended."
October 08, 2017
"...powerful debut by Chrysilia, as it is an album showing serious and hard work, both in composing as well as performing and vocals, but also in recording and producing by Bob Katsionis. The bar has been set high early and everyone that likes their music melodic, powerful and epic, they'd better get this album..."
October 02, 2017
"An album clearly aiming worldwide (it's a Lion Music release after all) and builds the foundations for a right career, in a music genre that internationally is not at its best. However, against the wind, Chrysilia bow to big harbours and their flagship "Et In Arcadia Ego" has no fears of waves and storms. Excellent!"
September 30, 2017
"Symphonic female fronted metal, many cinematic "views" and paths that one can effortlessly walk, among untrodden folk valleys and mountains, that we never knew they existed. The band has achieved the highest levels of quality and sound perfection from the very start. Incredible album!!"
September 24, 2017
The Metal Mag
"Basically it will speak to the dreamer and music lovers, you will hear bits of todays bands for the melodies as the singer is one of a kind and will enchant your mind very easily. I can describe this album as a tale in a music way, if you like “the lord of the rings” “once upon a time” “alice in wonderland” … this will speak to you! Like an opera act the music is linked to your imagination"...
September 18, 2017
Ravenheart Music
"Αwesome from beginning to end..."...."soundtrack metal, having influences from different music genres, ranging from folk, jazz and musicals to power metal. The main theme here is having clean cut, catchy tunes, no matter how heavy or complicated the musical background."..."if I had a fave from this album, it has to be ‘Desperate Wings’. This is surely in my reckoning for the track of the year with an awesome video to accompany it, being a power ballad to beat all power ballads, sung with so much emotion by Chryso"...
What reviewers have written about Us
November 30, 2017
Chryso's interview on Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT)
Chryso's interview on Hellenic National Radio, following the invitation by host Panos Chrisostomou, presenting the diverse idea that is Chrysilia.
October 21, 2017
Metal Hammer TV interview on TV WAR show- Mad TV Greece
National TV interview of Chryso and presentation of Chrysilia at the official Metal Hammer TV show. Hosted by Hakos Pervanidis, chief-editor of Metal Hammer. Enjoy one of the rare live media appearances of Chryso at one of the most prestigious metal live shows in the world!
October 09, 2017
ERTOpen 106,7 FM
Interview on Hellenic National Radio by Chrysilia